viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011

Lake Pátzcuaro and Janitzio Morelia

Morelia is not representative of the rest of Michoacán, which has retained a strong indigenous element. Just west of Morelia, surrounded by indigenous peoples, is Lake Pátzcuaro, which fishermen use a characteristic butterfly-shaped fishing nets. There are excursions by boat to the island of Janitzio, in the middle of the Lake, with a gigantic statue of 40 metres in height of the hero of the independence José María Morelos. You can climb through the interior of the statue until the cuff at the top to enjoy wonderful panoramic views.
Janitzio is known above all for the celebrations of the day of the dead, the 1st and 2nd of November, when the locals cross the Lake with a procession of canoes illuminated with candles to bring flowers, food and other offerings to the cemeteryas a tribute to their dear dear. Tourists are often deter to witness the night vigil of Janitzio, in order to preserve the intimacy of the moment, but there are other cemeteries in the region where they are not so many obstacles to visitors who wish to attend the commemorations.

The photo "pátzcuaro-trad-fishing-3" belongs to "régis lachaume" under the Creative Commons license

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You are reading the entrance to The Lake Pátzcuaro and Janitzio Morelia Monday March 14, 2011 at 12: 05 pm and is categorized in tourism in Mexico.

Art museums in the city of Mexico

The Museum of modern artin Mexico Cd (open Tuesdays to Sundays; paid entry), located in two buildings surrounded by glass cachada, exhibits a permanent collection of paintings by one of the most famous Mexican artists of the 20th centurysuch as Frida Kahlo, Rufino Tamayo and the "big three": Orozco, Siqueiros and Rivera. One of the rooms is dedicated to the great Mexican photographer Manuel Alvarez Braco and also worth seeing the series of landscapes of the painter of the century XIX José Maria Velasco. Usually, there is at least one traveling interest exposure, so you don't forget to report thereon.
Refining Tamayo Museum(open from Tuesday to Sunday; paid entry), to the East of the Museum of anthropology, houses a remarkable collection of contemporary art donated by Rufino Tamayo, exhibited in an ingenious building designed by architects Zabludosky y González de León. The Museum possesses some eloquent work of the own Tamayo, among them a magnificent portrait of his wife, Olga.
The walk of the reform, the most elegant and solemn artery of the capital continues eastward towards some affluent residential areas. One of them, Polanco, has some excellent shops, a few restaurants and several expensive hotels.

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You are reading the entry Of art museums in the city of Mexico Wednesday March 16, 2011 at 1: 20 pm and is categorized in tourism in Mexico.

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011

The sea of Cortez

After spectacular and many curves, Highway 1 reaches the coast in Santa rosalía, 73 km after San Ignacio. In 1887, a French company opened there the El Boleo copper mine; they left in 1954, but the small houses of wood from the French period even give people an anomalous appearance; in fact, the novelist John Steinbeck described it as "less Mexican city" he had seen. The Church behind the square is, surprisingly, work of Eiffel, French engineer responsible for the famous Parisian Tower. Prefabricated metal structure won second prize in the Universal exhibition of Paris of 1889 and was later acquired by the company El Boleo, which transported it from France and her rode to Santa Rosalía.
From Santa Rosalia, a night ferry across the Gulf to Guaymas, Sonora coast. Another possibility is to follow the Transpeninsular highway running down along the barren coast to Mulegé. In 1847, during the war with United States, managed to drive off in this town about threatening warships Americans through a stratagem Orchestra by its inhabitants. In July and August is stifling, but Palm trees and the vegetation along the River Santa Rosalía make Mulegé a pleasant oasis. There is a mission of 1766, situated in a wonderful location on the outskirts of the city, and a museum with aspect of strength - was a prison until 1975 - at the top of the Hill. The dive with breathing tube cylinders and, of course, fishing are common activities, although some people are only going to contemplate the paintings of the caves in the sierra.
South of Mulegé, the highway borders the Sea offering tempting views of beautiful coves and bays that can only be with all-terrain vehicle. Conception Bay, surrounded on the East by a peninsula which points to the North, It is known for its charming campsites on the beach, all of them equipped at least with palapas, Jerry cans for garbage and services to protect themselves from the Sun. The rocks that abound in the beaches are occupied mostly by pelicans.

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You are reading the entrance to The sea of Cortez , Tuesday 15 March, 2011 at 2: 05 pm and is categorized in tourism in Mexico.

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011

Museo Jose Luis Cuevas, North of socket

The José Luis Cuevas Museum (open from Tuesday to Sunday; paid entry), installed in an old convent founded by one of the most renowned Mexican modern artists and refurbished. Its rooms include the controversial erotic room and is located northeast of the base of the city of Mexico.
Previously it had been the University area, although he long ago that it was replaced by the spacious campus of the South of the city. Behind the greater Temple, the colegio de San ildefonso, the murals cover the walls of the courtyards of the old Jesuit College, also called the National preparatory school, up to a height of three storeys. Siqueiros, Rivera and other works can be seen, but stand out above all the paintings of Orozco. After a profound renovation, in 1992 it opened again and since then hosts important exhibitions.
The best of the work of Riviera can be found just around the corner, in the twin patios of the Ministry of education (open Monday through Friday, free admission). Outside stands a massive statue of Jose Vesconcelos, the radical Minister of education after the revolution entrusted the elaboration of the murals. Nothing else entering this majestic and old building, which now houses the library Justo Sierra, there is a small cinema (admission free; programming can be seen in a contiguous plank).
The wonderful plaza de Santo Domingo is one of the most typical of Mexico. Under the arcades of the western flank, the public scribes, known as the "evangelists", singuen writing letters and filling out forms for illiterate with their old typewriters. There are also Street typographers with outdated manual presses. The beautiful baroque Church of Santo Domingo, at the northern end of the square, is the most important Dominican Church of the city.  It is located just opposite the Palace of the Inquisition, headquarters of the dreaded and uncompromising institution, which administered the Dominicans.

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You are reading the José Luis Cuevas Museum, North of socket entry Tuesday March 1, 2011 at 12: 30 pm and is categorized in tourism in Mexico.

Festivals, dances and traditions of Veracruz Mexico

In what is long and width of our territory of Veracruz, the Festival of Veracruz and traditions have given national and international reputation while Veracruz Mexico is a mosaic of patterns and colors. A class, taking into account criteria such as the context, temporality, its origin in the religion and religious paganism. In our State festivities are carried out as the Carnival, which is a traditional Christian celebration, laying down as necessary to keep 40 days of abstinence in what is carnal and sinful during the feast of the Corpus. Before this is the need to establish a period of excess (license controlled by the Church) is that it refers to the name of Carnival, which is placed two or three days before Lent.

Major festivals and traditions of Veracruz:

Candelaria in Tlacotalpan
Carnival of Veracruz
Carnival of singles, Juan Rosas
Congress of witches in Catemaco
Corpus Chriti in Papantla
Cruz de Mayo Alvarado
Cult of death in Naolinco
Day of the lost boy, Tuxpan
Celebrations to Ma. Magdalena in Mexico
Mecotitla party
Procession of silence
Voladores of Papantla
Fiesta de San Jerónimo
Feast of St. Michael the Archangel
Feast of San Andrés Apostol

The photo "homenageando os Deuses" belongs to "Luiz Castro" of the community

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You are reading the entry festivals, dances and traditions of Veracruz Mexico Friday February 25, 2011 at 10: 56 am and is categorized in tourism in Mexico.

Hospicio Cabañas, Guadalajara

Behind the theatre, the plaza Tapatía is a long pedestrian precinct which leads to the elegant Hospicio Cabañas (open Tuesdays to Sundays; paid entry) is one of the places to visit in Guadalajara, founded and funded by one of the great benefactors of Guadalajara, the Bishop Juan Ruiz of Cabañas. More than 20 yards connect the various sections of this neoclassical building, which projected Manuel Tolsá in 1805. In the Centre is the capacilla Tolsá, whose walls and roof adorn those considered the most beautiful murals of Orozco, painted at the end of the 1930s. These formidable symbolic works recreated, among other things, the destruction and suffering that I originated the Spanish conquest. There is also a museum which exhibits a collection of drawings and paintings - native of Jalisco - Orozco, in addition to exhibitions of other artists, most contemporaries. This cultural institution, the most important of the city, also organizes many other artistic activities, such as theatrical performances, concerts and film screenings.

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You are reading the entry Hospicio Cabañas, Guadalajara on Wednesday March 2, 2011 at 11: 42 am and is categorized in tourism in Mexico.

martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

Bonampak and Yaxchilán, ruins in the middle of the rainforest

Two important Maya sites are the Bonampak and Yaxchilán, it is in the depths of the forest, near the Usumacinta River, which determines the border with Guatemala.
During the dry season is you can reach by truck from the town of Palenque Bonampak, located 140 km to the Northwest. Archaeologists, who did not "discovered" the deposit until 1946, were enthusiastic about the colorful murals which presented wars, ceremonial rites and festivals, and grace which is has been able to know much about traditions and ancient way of life of the Maya.
The frescoes, which occupy the whole of the walls, offer an orderly historical account of the ceremonial activities, battles, festivals, celebrations and dances, all of them are illustrated with fascinating tiny details. Those who will be not possible to reach the remote ruins of Bonampak may view reproductions of the murals in the Museum of anthropology of Carlos Pellicer, in Villahermosa, and the National Museum of anthropology of the city of Mexico.
It is necessary to have a taste for even more adventure to visit the much more extensive Mayan archaeological site of Yaxchilan, situated on the banks of the rio Usumacinta, which include the stucco carving and decoration of the ceilings.
Yaxchilan only is it reachable by boat or by plane. In border Echevarría (also called Corozal) are rented boats, although square in one of the flights organized through one of the Palenque and San Cristobal de las Casas travel agencies can also be booked.

The photo "mexico-2221" belongs to "archer10 (Dennis)" under Creative Commons license

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You are reading the entry Bonampak and Yaxchilán, ruins in the middle of the Tropical jungle Thursday March 3, 2011 at 12: 02 pm and is categorized in tourism in Mexico.

Places to visit in Tijuana

Mexitlán (open daily; paid entry) is a curious cultural theme park that cost $ 23 million, crowned by a visible glass piñata from the pedestrian bridge. One of its main attractions is a series of huge maps in relief of all Mexico, where there are 150 prominent buildings in the country, reproduced to scale.
Revolution Square is the Wax museum (open Monday and Wednesday through Saturday, paid entry), whose varied occupants ranging from Madonna, Gandhi and the Pope, to the heroes of the Mexican Revolution and a grey-haired lady called Aunt Joan, the legendary bartender who is the name of the city.
The ultramodern Cultural Centre, with its comprehensive journey through the history of Mexico, bordering a building that appears to a giant golf ball. This is the Auditorium and the Omnimax Theatre, 26 metres in height, with projected daily at 14 pm, a film about the history and Mexican culture.
In the Pediment Palace, in the avenida Revolución, will compete for parties of jai alai or cesta punta, who assisted a large audience. Jai alai is a game of ball, Wicker tied to the upper arm to throw the ball at speeds of up to 290 km/h; parties are held from Monday to Saturday at 8: 00 pm.
The highway to the West of Tijuana leads to the Plaza de Toros Monumental, 10 miles away, on the edge of the sea. Bullfights are held on Sundays (square or in the oldest of the city centre) of the season, which lasts from May to September. There are motels economic along the coast road and on those who sell drinks of coconut and seafood.

The photo "Alejandro Amaya" belongs to "Poncho equihua" under the Creative Commons license

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You are reading the entry places to visit in Tijuana Friday March 4, 2011 at 1: 50 pm and is categorized in tourism in Mexico.