sábado, 2 de abril de 2011

Elegant mansions of Campeche

In Campeche Mexico, as in most Mexican cities, the old colonial plaza, or Park main, is the focus of social activity, where people get together to enjoy the shade of the trees, listen to the concerts and attend mass in the Cathedral of conceptionwhose naked facade and tall twin towers are typical of the first churches of the peninsula, while the dome displays some curious flying buttresses and Stirrups. Notice also the old building of the portals, elegant with a slender arcaded façade construction.
The magnificent set of beautiful stately homes of Campeche testifies to the wealth which formerly flowed into the city. One of the most luxurious is the mansion Carvajal (at the corner of 10 and 53).
The sudden rise of the oil of the 1970s gave new vigor to Campeche, where the Mexican oil industry is still an important source of income. Known both for his hospitality and for its seafood, is a good place to buy Panama hats, here called jipis, as well as jewellery made from the horns of livestock - which look similar to the carapace of a turtle-, handicrafts and Maya clothing, and objects of naval theme, such as, for example, bottles with a ship inside.

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You are reading the Elegant mansions of Campeche entry Monday March 28, 2011 at 1: 54 pm and is categorized in tourism in Mexico.

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